The guidelines for obtaining a mortgage these days favor those who get a regular paycheck. Even if you have almost no money for a down payment, the lenders are happy to lend, if you are what they consider "employed". Doesn't matter that you may be laid off and not be able to find … [Read more...] about If You Are Self-Employed Do You Stand a Chance of Getting a Mortgage?
california mortgages
Guidelines for Your New Mortgage
As underwriting guidelines for lenders become more stringent, we need to re-examine what a good mortgage application looks like. As you begin your search for a home, there are a few items that you should be aware of that will help get your loan approved - and with the best … [Read more...] about Guidelines for Your New Mortgage
The Price Is The Same But The Cost Is Less
These numbers are truly amazing. It makes great financial sense to purchase a home today, and here's why. Look at the actual COST of a home right now compared to previous years. Residential real estate values have returned to 2003 first quarter prices. That in itself, says … [Read more...] about The Price Is The Same But The Cost Is Less
Anticipating Settlement Costs
For first-time home buyers, all the fees and extra costs beyond what they are paying for their new house may come as a shock. So it's best to know about them upfront to avoid being caught off guard. One of the most common questions asked is, "Do I pay the realtor?" And the answer … [Read more...] about Anticipating Settlement Costs