The guidelines for obtaining a mortgage these days favor those who get a regular paycheck. Even if you have almost no money for a down payment, the lenders are happy to lend, if you are what they consider "employed". Doesn't matter that you may be laid off and not be able to find … [Read more...] about If You Are Self-Employed Do You Stand a Chance of Getting a Mortgage?
California Refinance
Make Your Home Renovation Pay for Itself
Why move to an expensive new house when you can get all the new features you want in your existing home—without any net cost to you! If your existing home has become outdated, cramped, inefficient, uncomfortable or too expensive to maintain, you may think buying a new house … [Read more...] about Make Your Home Renovation Pay for Itself
The Story This Past Month
For those of you who like me are visual, I'm posting a simple graph that shows what the mortgage backed securities have done since May 12. They hit their low point on May 14. Don't forget, rates move inversely with the price of the security so you can see how dramatically they … [Read more...] about The Story This Past Month